It's crazy....
you know how you could be single for ages (an astute person could, at this point, gently suggest that I've never been single for ages)....and you only meet loser after loser, and then, once you finally land on a good boy and snap him up, suddenly cute and charming boy after boy emerges from the proverbial woodwork?
Well, same thing with jobs. I finally take a job I like, and employers keep does make me wonder a little if it's reprehensible to quit a job for a better opportunity a week after your start date? I once read an article that said that, on average, a person will change their career 7 times before the age of 30. At the time, I was shocked, but then I realized it was only because I never equated my "day jobs" with "careers". Probably a symptom of my female version of the Peter Pan syndrome.
But, I like my current job so far. It's kind of cool that I get to review resumes for openings throughout the pacific northwest and deal with payroll/employee issues from portland, seattle and spokane, and everywhere in between. In the future, I will be taking business trips to- wait for it- Spokane, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC. So, maybe not the most exciting locations for a business trip for me, personally, but it will be kind of cool if I get to work out of Seattle and Vancouver and visit people there.
For some reason, my employers think I have a future in "sales"- I have to say, it's nothing I've ever imagined myself in, but, it can't be that hard to charm a bunch of old men in suits at business dinners, right? I do sort of wish that the VP of sales hadn't spent the entire business meeting today staring at my legs under the table, but hey, whatever.
This weekend was pretty mellow...but I did see a couple of good shows.
I did see Ponytail , who erupted from the emerging Baltimore music scene and High Places (I think out of Brooklyn?) and they're both pretty rad bands.

High Places photo by Pitchfork

Ponytail photo by Pitchfork
I also went to see "The Oh Sees" from the Bay area at a neighbourhood was a really good show, too. I think they're somehow associated with Seattle's "The Intelligence", who are very Seattle band that everyone I knew made fun of (I really have to stop hanging out with anarchist noise punks, it makes me so easily impressed by people who are nice) but I actually liked.
On Sunday, I went to a benefit for the Portland Radio Authority, an internet radio station at the East End. I recently wrote a long-winded article about the challenges that independent radio faces, and it's become increasingly important to keep these media outlets open and operating.
Also, I watched the film "The Painted Veil" and I thought it was stunning and perfectly subtle...although the boy that fell asleep on the couch beside me might disagree. I never saw the original film, which starred (I believe) Greta Garbo, but I read the novel by W. Somerset Maugham ages ago.
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