Monday, June 2, 2008

Sad Songs Say So Much

Even though I'm not an emo teen anymore, sometimes I have rough days. I have hungover days, and days when I wonder where my life is going (nevermind, I know the answer, nowhere fast! hah!). When I was younger I would sit in the (metaphorical, please) filth of my own torment and listen to Elliot Smith on repeat and write what I thought were deeply original thoughts on my typewriter.

Now that I have come to the realization that I am just like everyone else in their affected existential crises about nothing (although, perhaps, my favourite, Tolstoy, would disagree, you know..."Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"). Or perhaps everyone just feels that we're all unhappy in our own way, regardless, rather than wallowing in my own miseries and anxieties about how my life isn't going the way I want, I have a much healthier coping mechanism: denial.

I usually watch old romantic black and white movies, or watch Flight of the Conchords or Arrested Development on DVD. Today I am having a rough day, and maybe, just maybe, you are too.

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